Buster Sword
Buster Sword+
Buster Blade
Ravager Blade
Ravager Blade+
Tactical Blade
Strategic Blade
Chrome Razor
Chrome Death Razor
Carbalite Sword
Carbalite Sword+
Lacerator Blade
Master Blaze
Demon Halberd
Igneous Blade
Igneous Sword
Liquid Fire Blade
Bronze Coin
Gaoren Coin
Gaoren Cleaver
Guardian Sword
Khezu Shock Sword
Khezu Shock Blade
Khezu Shock Full
Khezu Shock Full+
Cat's Soul
Cat's Curse
Cat's King
Cat of Venus
Cat of Gold
Barbaroi Blade
Crimson Goat
Iron Katana
White Serpentblade
Silver Serpentblade
Vile Serpentblade
Deadly Serpentblade
Poison Serpentblade
Golden Serpentblade
Blango Destroyer
Bone Blade
Bone Blade+
Bone Slasher
Golem Blade
Golem Blade+
Valkyrie Blade
Blushing Dame
Spartacus Blade
Pael Keizah
Enforcer's Axe
Wyvern Agito
True Dragon's Jaw
Demon Rod
Great Demon Rod
Great Demon Hot Rod
Rusty Claymore
Kirin Thundersword
King Thundersword
Sword of the Diablos
Diablo Destroyer
King Atillart Sword
Plesioth Watersword
Plesioth Crystasword
Plesioth Azureblade
Plesioth Wave Sword
Plesioth Wave Blade
Chick Decapitator
Chicken Decapitator
Rooster Decapitator
Pickaxe Blade
Pickaxe Blade+
Sleep Sword Zantoma
Poison King
Sentoryu Raven
Sentoryu Wolf
Sentoryu Crow
Daito Wolf
Red Wing
Rathalos Firesword
Blue Wing
Shiny Rathalos Sword
Red Stripe
Red Pincer
Great Pincer
Crab Cutter
Killer's Scythe
Shogun Cutter
Carmine Blade
Killer's Carver
Violet Pincer
Grand Pincer
Ceanataur Blade
Blue Claw Blade
Bone Katana "Wolf"
Rusted Great Sword
Tarnished Great Swd
Ancient Blade
Steel Ice Blade
Steel Ice Blade+
Daora's Decimator
Daora's Tughril Beg
Icesteel Blade
Frozen Tuna
Crystallized Tuna
Black Belt Blade
Expert Blade
Warrior's Blade
Tiger Agito
Tigrex Great Sword
Tigrex Supreme Sword
Hidden Blaze
Darkness Darkblade
Eternal Annihilator
Eternal Eradicator
Eternal Destroyer
Black Blade
Fatalis Blade
Black Fatalis Blade
Fatalis Ancestor
Fatalis Legacy
Worn Great Sword
Weathered Grt Sword
Epitaph Blade
Epitaph Eternal
Teostra Blade
King Teostra Blade
Teostra del Sol
Daimyo Cutter
Akantor Broadsword
Akantor Broadsword+
dummy (RoaringDecisionSword)
G Blade
Ukanlos Destructor
Buster Blade G
Bone Blade G
TarnishdGreatSwd G
Ravager Blade G
Golem Blade G
Sentinel G
Red Stripe G
GoldnSerpentblade G
Great Serpentblade G
Cat's Soul G
PoisnSerpentblade G
Decapitator G
Great Pincer G
Executioner G
Barbaroi Blade G
Chrome Razor G
Plesioth Waterswd G
Plesioth Crystaswd G
Killer's Scythe G
Black Belt Blade G
Ancient P G
Carbalite Sword G
Wyvern Agito G
Crystallized Tuna G
Judgment G
True Dragon's Jaw G
Tactical Blade G
Rathalos Firesword G
ShinyRathalosSwd G
Enforcer's Axe G
Siegmund G
Sieglinde G
Pael Keizah G
Blushing Dame G
EternlAnnihilator G
528 [ 110 ]
Improve cost: 2500z
Earth Crystal: 20